22 03, 2019

♫ Here Comes the Sun! ♫ Protect Yourselves with Sun Control Films.


As the sun and warm weather FINALLY returns, it's time to give your windows some TLC with Prestige Sun Control window films from Midwest Solar Control. When we talk about exposure to UV rays, we generally imagine a situation where we’re actively spending time outside on a hot, sunny day. But there’s actually a [...]

♫ Here Comes the Sun! ♫ Protect Yourselves with Sun Control Films.2019-03-22T19:01:05+00:00
14 03, 2019

Make Your Windows Bird-Safe This Spring


With spring season is fast approaching and being officially past daylights savings, birds will be ready to migrate. For birds, glass windows are worse than invisible. What happens to birds that hit windows? Sadly, the bird often dies, even when it is only temporarily stunned and manages to fly away.And because the sheer number of windows is [...]

Make Your Windows Bird-Safe This Spring2019-03-14T15:57:17+00:00
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