It’s nearly back-to-school time, and with the dangerous times today, Midwest Solar Control has had a rise in customers requesting 3M Security Window Film in their schools.
Understandably, school safety is a top-priority and huge concern across the country. To combat recent tragedies, initiatives are being taken to protect schools including adding and upgrading surveillance cameras, improved phone systems, magnetic card entry systems and more secure entryways and other vulnerable building entry points. Installation of shatter-proof windows and entryway reconstruction has proven to be cost-prohibitive for many schools. Increasingly, they have turned to safety and security window film installation as a reliable and cost-effective alternative.
3M Safety and Security Window Films, or fragment retention films, allow you to protect your school by greatly reducing the damage caused by terror attacks, burglary attempts, destructive acts of nature and other violent attacks.
Rather than breaking into hundreds of tiny fragments, 3M Safety and Security Window Films create an invisible protective layer that helps keep broken glass in place, keeping your assets and those inside safe. 3M’s fragment retention films go through rigorous tests including bomb blasts to ensure their durability.
Protect your school building from violent attacks and terrorism using 3M Security and Safety films. To find out further benefits of our security window films click here, or to request a quote for your school, contact us here today.