4 12, 2018

Necessities For School Safety – Window Filming


The importance of having adequate safety and security window filming should never be overlooked, and at Midwest Solar Control + Glass Graphics we offer the best 3M Safety & Security Window Filming Service in the greater Chicago area! A common injury from glass that hasn't been reinforced with window filming is wire glass injuries in schools. [...]

Necessities For School Safety – Window Filming2018-12-04T20:36:42+00:00
5 11, 2018

Keep Your Family Safe During The Holidays – Window Filming


Happy holiday season from the team at Midwest Solar Control! Our mission is to help you have the best time celebrating with your family while remaining safe. We'll take that stress off of your hands with our quality 3M Safety and Security window film!   Safety and Security window film include all of the following [...]

Keep Your Family Safe During The Holidays – Window Filming2018-11-05T19:42:08+00:00
8 05, 2018

Featured Chicago Commercial Window Filming Project: Sears Tower


This week's featured Chicago commercial window filming project from Midwest Solar Control + Glass Graphics is the Sears Tower! We are the Commercial Window Filming experts in the entire Chicago Metropolitan area and provide solutions for your commercial window filming needs. Our 3M Commercial Window Films adds both privacy and security to your commercial space, which is [...]

Featured Chicago Commercial Window Filming Project: Sears Tower2018-05-08T20:05:07+00:00
4 05, 2018

Our Safety and Security Films Are a Force to Be Reckoned With


Today, people all over the world are celebrating a day dedicated to the Star Wars franchise with the phrase, “May the 4th Be With You”. Much like the “force” that is talked about within the Star Wars films, 3M’s Safety and Security Window Films are also incredibly powerful. Fragment Retention These particular window films are [...]

Our Safety and Security Films Are a Force to Be Reckoned With2018-05-04T19:02:14+00:00
20 04, 2018

Is Your College Campus Protected with Security Window Film?


Safety on college campuses is always a reoccurring issue throughout the United States. Luckily, our window filming expertise at Midwest Solar Control + Glass Graphics offers 3M Security Window Film that any college campus is looking for. Check out our 3M Safety & Security Window Film that we provide that will drastically increase the protection [...]

Is Your College Campus Protected with Security Window Film?2018-04-20T18:58:45+00:00
8 03, 2018

Protect Your School with 3M Safety and Security Window Films


In light of recent tragedies, safety in schools is of primary concern to many across the nation. There are many ways in which people are trying to protect their children from harmful or violent acts while in school, and one way that they can accomplish this is to strengthen the most vulnerable points of entry: [...]

Protect Your School with 3M Safety and Security Window Films2018-03-08T19:37:13+00:00
25 01, 2018

Improve Your Home with Safety and Security Window Films


Our 3M safety and security window films are an excellent way to protect your home from harmful events. These films are a very small investment for the huge amount of peace of mind that they provide. Home Intruders Break-ins are all too common in the Chicagoland area. Home security systems are designed to alert you [...]

Improve Your Home with Safety and Security Window Films2018-01-25T21:19:14+00:00
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